Our Mission

To collaborate with organizations to evaluate their Business Continuity Program and Technology Disaster Recovery readiness to minimize processing risks associated with cyber-attacks and major processing failures that could impact normal business operations. Our mission is to assist organizations, by providing recovery strategies needed to mitigate processing risks and to provide state-of-the-art recovery solutions to enhance overall resiliency capabilities.

Mark B. Thomas

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Extensive Experience: Providing over 45 years in technology leadership roles, specializing in corporate resilience.

Strategic Vision: Developed and implemented long-term IT strategies to enhance organizational resilience and adaptability.

Crisis Management: Led technology-driven crisis management and recovery efforts, ensuring business continuity during major disruptions.

Cybersecurity Expertise: Established comprehensive cybersecurity frameworks to protect critical corporate assets and data.

Disaster Recovery Planning: Designed and executed robust disaster recovery programs, minimizing downtime and operational impact.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensured compliance with industry standards and regulations, mitigating legal and financial risks.

Vendor Management: Managed relationships with technology vendors and service providers, ensuring resiliency capabilities to meet business expectations.

Collaborate with us to evaluate your Business Continuity Program and Technology Disaster Recovery

Using a specialized and experienced team like ours offers many benefits for organizations, like yours, in evaluating their Business Continuity Management Program and Technology Disaster Recovery readiness

Expertise: Our team has deep knowledge and expertise in the field of Business Continuity Management and Technology Disaster Recovery. We have experience working with diverse industries and can apply best practices and industry standards to evaluate and enhance your program

Objectivity: As an external party, we can provide an unbiased perspective on your program. We have no vested interest and can identify potential gaps or areas for improvement objectively.

Customized Solutions: We take the time to understand your organization’s unique needs and challenges. Based on this understanding, we can develop tailored solutions that address your specific requirements and align with your business goals.

Efficiency: Our team has a streamlined process and methodology for evaluating Business Continuity Management Programs and Technology Disaster Recovery readiness. We can efficiently assess your current state, prioritize areas for improvement, and provide actionable recommendations.

Cost Savings: By identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities in your program, we can assist in minimizing the impact of potential disasters. This proactive approach can help save costs associated with downtime, reputation damage, regulatory penalties, and other financial impacts.

Engaging with us can provide your organization with the necessary expertise, objectivity, and customized solutions to enhance your Business Continuity Management and Technology Disaster Recovery readiness, leading to improved resilience and reduced risks.

Our Partners

21st Century Resilient Solutions, LLC has invested in partnerships with the best-in-class technology service providers. Through experience, training and certifications, we have been able to provide our customers with resiliency solutions that have the right size, right fit, and right technology supporting their strategic plans.